"Arlington is More Than a Cemetery" for The Nib
Jane Jacobs and the Power Brokers
Fair Use Week comics 2015 – 2017, written by Sarah Searle and Kyle Courtney, for Harvard Library's OSC
"What the Ocean Floor Can Tell Us About Climate Change" for Columbia Magazine
"Under God: Our secular government is all tangled up with religion. How did we get here?" for The Nib
"This Detested Tea" for Colonial Comics New England: 1750 – 1775
Escape from Syria for Firefly Books
"Socialism: As American As Apple Pie" for The Nib
"Or, Flight" for Sweaty Palms
"The Corner Store After Katrina," written by Gary Rivlin, published by The Nib in partnership with the Economic Hardship Reporting Project
"Survive and Thrive: How Big Data Is Transforming Health Care," for Symbolia, in partnership with Pacific Standard
"Good Hands" in The Cartoon Picayune #6.
"The Leatherman" in Unknown Origins and Untimely Ends.
"Picture Day"